May 16, 2013


I just had all four of my second premolars extracted for orthodontic purposes. Am getting my teeth straightened to perfection, as you now know, so this was part of the process. The second premolars are smaller than the first molar (see diagram) and they are also a bit further back and therefore dont show when you smile. I have a very wide smile though so maybe if someone is paying really close attention they would indeed be able to see the angry red holes. Speaking of which...

It wasnt as bad as I thought it would be.  My appointment was today at 2pm. Its 4:31pm right now, and I home and I am not in pain...yet, I guess.

The process started with the needles.A large impossing needle that, for its size, may have been shot gun in its previous life. I closed my eyes then. And in it went. The injection was painful to me. Nothing excrutiating but it felt like the bee sting I sustained when I was 7, but deeper. I groaned out loud. One shot on the anterior side and another shot on the posterior 8 shots in total. Well, it SHOULD have been eight. But as luck would have it, my lower left premolar would not numb up. So the injection process had to be repeated an additional 4 times. Yes... that was indeed fun.

The oral surgeon then let me know it was time to start. He tested each tooth one by one... To cut a long story short, all but one tooth needed extra shots. And the troublesome lower left one was the one that needed an additional four shots. Then the rocking back and forth with the tool began. And then the yank to pull the tooth out from its safe home. After 3 teeth were removed, I started to cry. I had so much pent up anxiety prior to the procedure, and chose that moment (involuntarily) to let loose. I thought about my freshly done haircut (me, taking the scissors to my waist length hair). I thought about getting those uncomfortable brackets on my teeth. I thought about giving birth for the first time a scant 5 months ago... Was my life flashing before my eyes? Well...not really.

As the troublesome tooth would not numb up, I had to take a bathroom break. I looked in the mirror and tried not to feel alarmed. Man! What a difference sensation makes! My face looked so odd to me, just because I could not feel my lips!

The entire thing was done in about 45 minutes. I guess it would have been shorter if the stubborn tooth would have been more cooperative.

Breast Feeding and Extractions:
I was of course up from with the doctor about the fact that I am breastfeeding. The local anesthetic does not generally pass through the blood and if it does, it would be a minimal amount, I was assured. I was also prescribed a course of Amoxicillin. It is the same antibiotic you are given if you are ever to have the unfortunate bout of mastitis as a new mom. So all safe there. I was instructed to take 800mg of Ibuprofen every 6 hrs as pain persists and beyond since the anti-inflammatory properties are beneficial to a speedier healing.

The Bleeding!
Ok...this is the gross part. I cant quite bring myself to look at the holes, yet. I have taken glimpses but ugh...its a mess. I am not even scared of blood! I just dont want to see the oozing pit! I am changing my gauze pads as instructed. And I need to. I dunno WHAT they were saying about me not bleeding much. Unless I am a latent bleeder somehow? I am indeed bleeding! Its weirding me out. I have my ice packs from my Simplisse for Dr. Browns breast pump on my face now. I hope it helps.

My Concerns? I wont be able to eat as well... I am concerned about a drop in my milk supply. I am concerned about any infection that may set in. I am thus far too soon out of the procedure to tell for sure but am also concerned about the severity of the pain.  I will post updates later...

Add your comments or questions below if you too are breastfeeding and have to have extractions done!


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