February 15, 2012

THE MALE FACTOR: Your Guy's Role In The Baby Game.

The male’s role in conception is equally as important as the female’s and until it was brought to my attention, I had somehow forgotten to address a few tidbits on this as well! As you yourself have been working on optimizing your heath, so should he!  It is for this reason that I have chosen to close out the Conception Series of my blog posts with one that is dedicated to Male Fertility.
(Photo courtesy of microsoft office clip art).

It is easy for us as women to become consumed with thoughts of motherhood, once we truly get on board with the idea of having a baby. And now that you and your guy have made the choice to take these steps towards parenthood it is easy for us to overlook a very important fact….guys are simply, different in this regard.

 In all fairness, he may not be experiencing things the same way in which you may be since his role in the process is all together different.  You should calmly be encouraging your partner as much as you can, as his moods may (understandably) reflect ambivalence at this stage in your relationship.

Men may, in their role as breadwinner; begin to become preoccupied with making more money to support a growing family. He may throw himself deeper into work and the added increase in stress may very well upset the calm and nurturing environment you both need, to focus on conception in the first place.  Communication is integral at this point. Sharing your fears and worries, as well as all the wonderful things you are both looking forward to is very beneficial. You should not however, expect your partner to behave as you are, regarding the process itself. Chat it out with your girlfriends, and save the crazy demands for that last few months in pregnancy, when you truly may be off your rockers in reality anyway!
In the meantime, there are some tidbits that you can focus on as a couple!

If he hasn’t already, Your Man should consider upgrading his vitamin regime and making a few diet changes!

Ø  VITAMIN's C, ZINC and E is VERY important during this time. Invest in a good multi-vitamin pre-baby, if your actual diet isn’t supplying an adequate amount. (Or if your guy simply isn’t into the oranges, fish and veggies like he should be!)
Now here is an interesting factor! When coffee is consumed 20-30minutes before exercise, studies have shown a marked increase in metabolism, but here’s the double wammy….the caffeine boost also works to motivate sperm as well! As it turns out, that quick cup of java pre-sex, will boost your chances at fertility because…in layman terms, the sperm actually swim faster! (Increased motility!). Recent studies also linked the wake-up stuff, to an increase in sperm count for overweight men as well. So…there’s an argument on the “Pro-Side” for coffee lovers!
 This isn’t a charge to guzzle the bean juice in buckets though, as keeping the amount at a cup per day is still best! This is a much debated finding in medicine, and sperm react JUST as excitably to fruit, fruit juice and sugar as it as…so pick your poison! (Plus…in sympathy, as women should cut back during conception and pregnancy, you may as well keep it at that anyway…just saying.)
Ø  Now may be the best time to invest in a lovely cookbook (if you aren’t already a decent “chef”.) Preparing well balanced home cooked meals are the best thing to do pre and post baby.
Ø  Your man a meat and potatoes sort of dude? Now is the best time to introduce new, healthier food options!  Incorporate his old favorites with more nutritious choices! Both of you may be more amenable to change at this point as you become more focused on creating that brand new Mini-You.
Ø  Foods rich in zinc (found in seafood, eggs, meat and whole grains), selenium ( found in meat, seafood, mushroom, cereals, and Brazil nuts) and vitamin E may help improve male fertility.

Things to Re-Consider

Ø  ALCOHOL:  This one may be a hard habit to break for a few people, and if you haven’t already, finding a new go-to drink of choice for those special relaxing moments may be especially important if you are having more than a few drinks per week. Alcohol has been shown to decrease fertility in men; though to the drink’s credit…up to a few (3) glasses per week are still o.k.
Ø  THE HOT TUB, Sauna….and well…anything that heats the "Package": Now here’s the deal on this one. Unless you are a raving socialite who is pool side all week, and sipping bubbly numbers by the hot tub or sauna every night, this one may definitely not apply. But the thing to keep in mind here is….A man must strive to keep things cool down below to increase his chances at fertility. Anything that increases scrotal temperature should be avoided.
      -Laptops on the lap? Skip that!
-Long hot baths?  I know its winter…..but yes, skip that.
-That uber comfy heated car seat in the winter….definitely skip that!
-Those banana hammock, hot off the press man-thongs!...well…ok….need I say skip that? In fact, the truth behind the undies for men here is….no matter what you pick, boxers or briefs, they NEED to be breathable fabrics. Cotton is your friend. Save the spandex numbers for Team USA’s Swimmers at this year’s summer Olympics!

Ø  Smoking:  um…yeah. We all know the deal here.
Ø  SOY…Why? I know I know…this is a surprising one.
These days most people I know are on a health trip anyway, and that is absolutely great! We are eating more vegetables, ordering the salads at the Burger joints and skipping the mayo---sometimes. Kudos! But in the midst of this new health conscious ride, is the increasing amount of Soy in our diets, which isn’t all together, a bad thing….except for those that are trying to conceive.
Soy…in excess… (Read: soy on the morning cereal, soy in the mid-day burger, soy in the health shakes at lunch) is not beneficial now. Soy is a hidden ingredient in so many of our diet staples today, and though it has many benefits (including protection from prostate cancer!), Soy actually decreases sperm count in men. It is especially more potent in men that may be overweight as it mimics an estrogenic response. Having soy is wonderful but be mindful of your intake IF you are in the process of trying to conceive.  For a list of foods that contain Soy, read the link in the Resources/ References provided below.

Be mindful of the fact that Conception is a two-person journey.  The male must also bear in mind that any pre-existing medical conditions that he may have could play a role in hindering the ability of the couple to get pregnant as well. As listed below, certain factors should be taken into consideration if they are present as they may impede the process unnecessarily if gone long unattended.

-Testosterone Deficiency
-Untreated STD’s.
-Abstinence From Sex (now, see previous blog post). Yes…infrequent sex ruins sperm quality and should be taken into consideration if a couple has been unsuccessfully trying to conceive. Intercourse that is no less frequent than every 2-3 days is best at this point.
-Drug Use. (Narcotics, illegal drugs)
- Erectile Dysfunction
-Advanced Paternal Age (though men have no basic restrictions on age where conception is concerned, couples in which the male is past the age of 45 may face a slightly lower chance of conception, as there is indeed a gradual decline in sperm-health, motility and quality past this age. Though it is not cause for a diagnosis of infertility on his part, a consultation with a doctor if this IS the case, will help rule out any pre-existing conditions that would further delay your goal, as well as boost HIS chances at conceiving as well.
So here it is--- my final post in the Conception series. Aptly written and posted on a Wednesday.  So with all due respect, I bid you, my reader…a Happy Hump Day. And as always…

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Male Fertility Tips Explored:
 The Coffee Studies:
Foods That Contain Soy:      


  1. such great article your a great writer <3 x


    1. Thank you so much, hun! In fact..I just dropped by YOUR blog! And your style is on point! Especially your makeup---you are beautiful! Am trying my best to do a better job with my own makeup but have been struggling for more reasons than one! LOL....hopping on to your page now...
