January 7, 2012


Whether you have decided that 2012 is the year you would like to conceive that beautiful bundle of joy (kudos to you!), or perhaps you have definitely decided that you absolutely must step up the birth control and carve out 4 more years of post-graduate achievements (kudos to you!), one thing is for sure: Becoming familiar with your true, and natural monthly cycle can be a great boon to you for this year…and beyond!
 While being my (sometimes) overly open self, I was frequently surprised to discover how far reaching the text book lore of the 28 Day Menstrual Cycle has become. I would go as far as saying that quite a few of my friends are still rather mystified about their monthly visitors, as they glance at the calendars each month, rather nonplussed by the dates, hardly able to recall the last time Aunt Flo rode in on her brick red broom.
See…I am calling it textbook “lore” for a reason. It (the 28 day cycle) can be, for many women…a bit of a nebulous fairytale, never having happened in their life! Greater still, are the group that aren’t even sure how long their cycles really are, and many even wonder if they are “normal”.
It’s not such a bad thing, not really…as your normal, is not necessarily that of the “majority”.
 Keeping the idea of YOUR “normalcy” in mind, how long should your cycle really be?
 See, the best guideline, as outlined and observed by most medical publications---and rightly so, is 28 days. (READ: With a month or two, already on a chart---or accurately in your mind, and counting from the first day of your last period, to the day before your NEXT expected period, is generally on average 28 days.)
A menstrual cycle that is on average, 28 days, allows for optimum hormonal ebbs and flows. The cycle is predictable, and effective luteal phases (the period of time that spans from the day after a woman ovulates through the start of the next menses----usually 14 days), are best observed, thus facilitating conception. That being said, conception itself is dependent upon many others factors all coalescing at once. Bear in mind, even a woman who has regularly predictable cycles, can veer off chart by a couple of days, every now and then (for numerous reasons)…and that is to be considered normal.

Sarah’s period starts on January 1st, 2012 and ends on January 6. If her cycles follow a “regular, textbook pattern”, her next period should promptly begin on January 29, 2012. Sarah has a 28 day cycle...(Good for her!)
If a person is trying to conceive (or is conversely, trying to prevent conception), she would have her greatest luck in the middle of her cycle, the time of the month where Ovulation is most likely to occur. Most textbooks refer to the targeted day 14  (middle of the 28 day journey).  Referencing Sarah once more, she would most likely conceive if she were to time intercourse on or around January 14, midway through her cycle.  She would be encouraged to make room for lovemaking 2-3 days prior to the 14th  as well as a day (or two) after to be sure.  If all goes well, days 10-14 of her cycle (which for purposes of this example...just so happen to be January 10 through 14) are the days on which Sarah would most likely conceive. (If Sarah is---per se--- shooting for accelerated summa cum laude graduation and must at all costs skip pregnancy....she will decide to avoid unprotected intercourse on these days---smart as she is though, perhaps all month to be sure).
 But Sarah has a 28 day cycle….each month, every month, without fail.
What if this scenario isn’t exactly yours---and you, like Sarah would like to conceive? What should you do?

(1)  Jot down Aunt Flo’s visits; start to end, for at least 3 months.
·       With a pattern defined, you will be able to outline the average length of your cycle, which will allow you to identify your mid-cycle fertile period. (For some, your cycle can be as short as 24 days or as long as 35 or more. As long as your cycle has a marked pattern (occurring within a day or two of the set number) this is generally normal. Bear in mind that this number will vary, based on the average length of your particular period. If your numbers lack a pattern (i.e. 28 one month, 35 the next, 22 another, and 41 another)…the irregularities will complicate your plans and may indicate hormonal imbalances.  Heading to your doctor at this point would be best…
(2)  Try to maintain optimum health. 
·       Take your vitamins, eat well and exercise to maintain a healthy weight. Being too overweight or too underweight will complicate matters for many women. Maintaining optimum health will ensure that your cycles do not vary too wildly with interferences like illness and stress. Other factors like hormonal imbalances, medication, certain herbal supplements, smoking, drinking and even air travel may affect your cycle as well, and should be accounted for.)
(3)  Plan Lovemaking Accordingly.
·       Although it may get regimented, plan for your mid-cycle lovemaking (outside of your normal romps) and do NOT miss the days.  You are most likely to conceive 2 days prior to ovulation and the day of---given the fact that you are able to identify whether or not you have ovulated at all.  Got a 30 day cycle? Half of that is 15. Focus on days 12 through 15…and throw in day 16 just for fun! Hey….you never know! It’s a simple bit of math here…but before long you will have the hang of it too.
(4)  Try to stay CALM.
·       Most couples will try for 6 months to a year before success can be had. For some it is much shorter (I hear Sarah is knocked up---already---like yesterday!) and for others it may take longer. As a general rule, a couple with the female under age 35 who has unprotected sex will most likely be pregnant in under a year. If you are over 35 and trying for over 6 months without success, the textbooks recommend you head to your nearest fertility doc. But as for me….? Well, I know that life loves curveballs so I probably wouldn’t worry just yet. (Then again...I am not yet in that court.)
 There are many resources out there to help you track your cycle and get to the goal of conception (or prevention) even faster! Set your android phones to work for you, and download one of the many cycle tracking APPs.  Or use an online tool like the ones listed below. Aunt Flo need not be such a mystery anymore…and really, for most, it is at this point in their lives that they realize they really would love to get to know her more…afterall.

Try my favorites! Both websites are free and very informative too!


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